Hong Kong Young Industrialists Council
- To encourage and recognise those enterprises that have reformed their core business to adapt to the ever-changing market and business environment through participating in the Upgrading and Transformation Programme so as to continuously enhance the competitiveness of Hong Kong enterprises.
- To affirm the importance of Upgrading and Transformation to the industrial sector as well as Hong Kong’s economy.
- Entrants must be registered business entities with substantial economic activities in Hong Kong for at least one year. The Award will be open to all qualified applicants including public-funded or non-government statutory institutions. However, HKSAR Government departments or agencies are not eligible for participating in the Award.
- Entrants must operate in industrial sector such as electronics, plastics, textiles, toys, etc.
- Entrants participating in the Award Category of Upgrading and Transformation should have attained phased achievements in the past 3 years. The whole Upgrading and Transformation Programme or parts of it must be planned and or implemented in Hong Kong. Entrants should be able to provide details of their Upgrading and Transformation Programmes.
- Among the three company-based categories of the Hong Kong Awards for Industries i.e. Customer Service, Innovation & Creativity and Upgrading and Transformation, an entrant can take part in no more than two of these categories in the same year (one entry for each category only).
- Grand Award and Category Award will be considered on the basis of a company, or a particular division of a company, rather than a project. Certificate of Merit might be considered on a project basis but the project should be implemented on a longer term basis (like a year).
Judging Criteria
The core business reform programme will be assessed according to the following criteria:
- Visions and Objectives of Reform
- Programme Plan
- Implementation and Adjustment
- Effectiveness of Programme
- Sustainability of Reform