2018 Hong Kong Awards for Industries

Consumer Product Design Category <<<<<<< .mine <<<<<<< .mine
Entry Form Entry Brochure
2018 Winning Brochure of the Consumer Product Design ======= 2018 HKAI2018 Form Consumer Product Design >>>>>>> .r29905 Brochure of the 2018 Awards Presentation Ceremony ======= 2018 HKAI2018 Form Consumer Product Design >>>>>>> .r29905
Organiser Federation of Hong Kong Industries
Enquiry Tel: 2732 3188
Fax: 2721 3494
E-mail: margaret.lam@fhki.org.hk
Consumer Product Design Category End
Equipment and Machinery Design Category <<<<<<< .mine <<<<<<< .mine ======= >>>>>>> .r29905
Entry Form Entry Brochure
2018 Winning Brochure of the Equipment and Machinery Design ======= 2018 HKAI2018 Form Consumer Product Design >>>>>>> .r29905 Brochure of the 2018 Awards Presentation Ceremony 2018 HKAI2018 Form Consumer Product Design
Organiser The Chinese Manufacturers’ Association of Hong Kong
Enquiry Tel: 2542 8621 / 8624
Fax: 2541 8154
E-mail: aml1@cma.org.hk
Equipment and Machinery Design Category End
Back to Category menu Customer Service Category <<<<<<< .mine <<<<<<< .mine ======= >>>>>>> .r29905
2018 Winning Brochure of the Customer Service ======= >>>>>>> .r29905 Brochure of the 2018 Awards Presentation Ceremony
Entry Form Entry Brochure
2018 HKAI2018 Form Consumer Product Design 2018 HKAI2018 Form Consumer Product Design
Organiser Hong Kong Retail Management Association
Enquiry Tel: 2866 8311
Fax: 2866 8380
E-mail: event@hkrma.org
Customer Service Category End
Innovation and Creativity Category <<<<<<< .mine <<<<<<< .mine
Entry Form Entry Brochure
2018 Winning Brochure of the Innovation and Creativity ======= 2018 HKAI2018 Form Consumer Product Design >>>>>>> .r29905 Brochure of the 2018 Awards Presentation Ceremony ======= 2018 HKAI2018 Form Consumer Product Design >>>>>>> .r29905
Organiser Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce
Enquiry Tel: 2823 1225
Fax: 2821 9525
E-mail: inc@chamber.org.hk
Innovation and Creativity Category End
Smart Productivity <<<<<<< .mine <<<<<<< .mine
Entry Form Entry Brochure
2018 Winning Brochure of the Productivity and Quality ======= 2018 HKAI2018 Form Consumer Product Design >>>>>>> .r29905 Brochure of the 2018 Awards Presentation Ceremony ======= 2018 HKAI2018 Form Consumer Product Design >>>>>>> .r29905
Organiser Hong Kong Productivity Council
Enquiry Tel: 2788 5306
Fax: 3187 4563
E-mail: simonkung@hkpc.org
Productivity and Quality Category End
Technological Achievement Category <<<<<<< .mine <<<<<<< .mine
Entry Form Entry Brochure
2018 Winning Brochure of the Technological Achievement ======= 2018 HKAI2018 Form Consumer Product Design >>>>>>> .r29905 Brochure of the 2018 Awards Presentation Ceremony ======= 2018 HKAI2018 Form Consumer Product Design >>>>>>> .r29905
Organiser Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation
Enquiry Tel: 2629 6706
E-mail: may.yu@hkstp.org
Technological Achievement Category End
Upgrading and Transformation <<<<<<< .mine >>>>>>> .r29905 <<<<<<< .mine
Entry Form Entry Brochure
Brochure of the 2018 Awards Presentation Ceremony Full version Accessible Version =======
Organiser Hong Kong Young Industrialists Council
Enquiry Tel: 2424 1511
Fax: 2425 1357
E-mail: hkai@hkyic.org
Upgrading and Transformation Category End
Last Revision Date : 21 December 2018