This website is produced and maintained by the Trade and Industry Department ("TID"), the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region ("the Government"). Please read the following terms and conditions carefully before using this website. By using this website, you agree to be abided by the terms and conditions set out below.
Privacy Policy Statement
The Trade and Industry Department (the Department) is committed to fully implementing and complying with the relevant provisions of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance.
Kinds of Personal Data Held
There are three broad categories of personal data held in the Department. They are personal data contained in :
Applications/Notifications* , which may include but is not limited to the name, address, telephone number, fax number, email address, Hong Kong Identity Card (HKIC) number, Passport number and signature of individual applicants, individuals giving notifications, the authorised signatory or responsible person of corporate applicants or corporations giving notifications, etc.;
Enquiries/Complaints, which may include the name, address, telephone number, fax number, email address of individuals in connection with the handling of enquiries and complaints pursuant to the work of and services provided by the Department;
Personnel records, which may include personal and family particulars, job particulars, details of salary, payments, benefits, performance appraisals, disciplinary matters, etc. of every person employed with and of applicants to the posts of the Department.
Main Purposes of Collecting and Keeping Personal Data
Personal data collected and held in connection with :
Applications/Notifications are collected and kept for the purposes of considering and processing the applications/notifications, checking compliance with various legal and administrative regulations, and for other related purposes. Incomplete or inaccurate information provided in the applications/notifications may affect the consideration and processing of the applications/notifications, and may result in their being deferred or rejected, and/or other administrative/legal action being taken against the parties concerned;
Enquiries/Complaints are collected and kept for the purposes of taking follow-up action on the enquiries and complaints;
Personnel records are collected and kept for human resource management purposes relating to such matters as recruitment, appointment, training, performance appraisal, conduct and discipline, etc.
Please click here (pdf format) for the updated list of personal data held by the Department and the purposes for collection of such data.
Access to and Correction of Personal Data
An individual may request access to his personal data held by the Department pursuant to the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance. A charge will be imposed to cover the cost of photocopying personal data at the rate of $1.5# per copy on A4 size paper and $1.6# per copy on A3 size paper (black and white copy) or as otherwise provided for or approved by the Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury. In addition, an individual may also request for correction of his personal data held by the Department if he considers they are inaccurate.
Data access or correction requests should be made by letter or on a request form [OPS003 (revised 9/2012)] and addressed to the relevant Branch or Section of the Department to which the applications/notifications are submitted or where the enquiries and complaints are filed. The request form can be obtained from the Information Counter of the Trade and Industry Department on 13/F, Trade and Industry Tower, 3 Concorde Road, Kowloon City, or downloaded from the website of the Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data:
For enquiry, please call our Enquiry Hotline : 2398 5333
* Application/notifications include documents such as registration applications, export/import licences, Certificate of Origin, outward processing arrangement, Kimberley Process Certificates (Import/Export), Hong Kong Service Supplier Certificate, and applications under small and medium enterprises funding schemes, as well as registrations/applications/notifications/undertakings for use of services/participation in activities of the Support and Consultation Centre for SMEs (SUCCESS).
# The charge is subject to revision from time to time
Applications made on forms downloaded from this homepage have to be submitted in paper format and are subject to the terms and conditions as they appear on the Department's master copy of these application forms. Any alteration of the terms and conditions on the application forms is NOT permitted. The Department reserves the right to take legal and/or administrative action against any unauthorized alteration of the application forms and reject the applications concerned.
Collection of Information when You Visit our Website
The Trade and Industry Department will record visits to this website without collecting any personal identifiable information of users. Such general statistics are collected for the compilation of statistical reports and the diagnosis of problems concerning computer systems to help us improve this website.