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Trade and Industry Department The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Brand Hong Kong - Asia world city

Mainland and Hong Kong Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement (CEPA)

Freight Transport Agency Services

Liberalisation Measures under CEPA

The Agreement on Trade in Services covers and consolidates commitments relating to liberalisation of trade in services provided in CEPA and its Supplements and also the Agreement between the Mainland and Hong Kong on Achieving Basic Liberalisation of Trade in Services in Guangdong.

Agreement on Trade in Services
Reserved Restrictive Measures under Commercial Presence (Negative List)
11. Transport Services
Sub-sector H. Services auxiliary to all modes of transport
c. Freight transport agency services (CPC748)
Obligations concerned National Treatment
Reserved Restrictive
Commercial Presence 
Apply national treatment.
11. Transport Services
Sub-sector H. Services auxiliary to all modes of transport
d. Other (CPC749)
Obligations concerned National Treatment
Reserved Restrictive
Commercial Presence
Apply national treatment.