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Trade and Industry Department The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Brand Hong Kong - Asia world city

24-hour hotline : 23 922 922

e-mail address :

Ref. : TRA CR 1308
         TRA CR 1316/2

7 August 2006

Dear Sirs,

Notice to Exporters : Series 2 (EU) No. 11/2006

Certificate of Origin Circular No. 14/2006

The Use of New Declaration Codes for the
Certificate of Hong Kong Origin Applications and the Lodgment of
Production Notifications Covering Shirts/Blouses Destined for the EU Market

As announced in the Notice to Exporters: Series 2 (EU) No.4/2006 cum Certificate of Origin Circular No. 3/2006 and the Notice to Exporters: Series 2 (EU) No.5/2006 cum Certificate of Origin Circular No. 4/2006, the Department has implemented modified requirements for the Certificate of Hong Kong Origin (CO) applications and the lodgement of Production Notifications (PN) under which the manufacturing processes of the attachment of the collars and/or cuffs to shirts and blouses intended for export to the European Union (EU) market must be carried out in Hong Kong, and a special declaration must be made to this effect. This circular informs the trade of the use of new codes for making the special declaration for the CO and PN concerned with effect from 14 August 2006.

  1. The details of the modified arrangements are set out in the aforementioned trade circulars. To further facilitate traders to make the special declaration in the CO application and lodgement of the PN under the modified arrangements, new declaration codes will be provided in the customer software with effect from 14 August 2006. Details are as follows.

 New Declaration Code for CO Applications

  1. A new declaration code M17 will be provided in the customer software with the following content:

" I have read and understood, and agree to abide by the Certificate of Hong Kong Origin and Outward Processing Arrangement requirements for export of shirts and blouses to the EU as set out in Certificate of Origin Circular No. 3/2006 dated 8 March 2006."

  1. With effect from 14 August 2006, traders are no longer required to make the requisite declaration in the "Special Declaration" box when submitting CO applications. Instead, traders should select the new declaration code M17 for CO applications which cover shirts and blouses intended for exports to the EU. CO applications which cover shirts and blouses intended for export to the EU which do not contain the new declaration code M17 will not be approved. 

New Declaration Code for Lodgement of PNs

  1. A new declaration code P05 will be provided in the customer software with the following content:

" I have read and understood, and agree to abide by the requirement for the lodgement of production notifications covering shirts and blouses destined for the EU as set out in Certificate of Origin Circular No. 4/2006 dated 8 March 2006."

  1. With effect from 14 August 2006, traders are no longer required to make the requisite declaration in the "Special Declaration/Statement" box when lodging PN. Instead, traders should select the new declaration code P05 for PNs which cover shirts and blouses intended for export to the EU. Where subcontracting of manufacturing processes has been arranged in regard to the PN, both the manufacturer and subcontractor should select the new declaration code P05. Traders should note that PNs which cover shirts and blouses intended for export to the EU without the new declaration code P05 will not be validated. 


  1. Should you require further information on this subject, please contact the following offices of the Department:
Offices Telephone No.
Customer Service Centre of the Factory Registration and
CO Section
2398 5525

2398 5545
Offices Telephone No.
Customer Service Centre of the Origin Certification
and Textiles Licensing Branch
PN Section
2398 5288

2398 5745

Yours faithfully,


(Thomas Li )
for Director-General of Trade and Industry