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Trade and Industry Department The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Brand Hong Kong - Asia world city

Commercial Information Circulars

24-hour hotline : 23 922 922

e-mail address :

Ref : EIC 426/3

20 September 2019

Dear Sirs,

Commercial Information Circular No. 710/2019

Mexico : Renewal of Anti-dumping Order on Ferrosilicomanganese Originating in the Mainland of China

The Ministry of Economy of Mexico issued a resolution on 20 August 2019 announcing the renewal of an anti-dumping (AD) duty order against ferrosilicomanganese classified under Mexican Harmonised Tariff Schedule code 7202.11.01 originating in the Mainland of China. The Chinese product is subject to an AD duty of 21% for an additional five years. The Mexican Resolution (in Spanish) is available at:


2.For traders involved in the export of the subject product produced in Guangdong, please contact Li Xuefei, Director of Trade Remedy and Industry Injury Investigation Division under the Guangdong Department of Commerce at 8620 3881 6201. The Division is responsible for, among others, guiding and coordinating enterprises in the Guangdong Province in responding to AD investigations against products of the Province.

3.For enquiries about the content of this circular, please contact Miss K Y HO at telephone number 2398 5405.

Yours faithfully,

(Miss Janette NG)
for Director-General of Trade and Industry

Note: While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the above information, the Department cannot guarantee this to be so and will not be held liable for any reliance placed on the same.