Commercial Information Circular No. 43/99
Annex A
Marine Department Notice 182 of 1998
(Statutory Requirement & Related Information)
Carriage of Fumigated Freight Containers, Barges
and Other Cargo Transport Units On a Ship
Attention of owners, agents, masters of vessels and local vessels operators are drawn to the Recommendations on the Safe Use of Pesticides in Ships (the Recommendation) published by IMO in respect of fumigated freight containers, barges and other cargo transport units. The Recommendation lists out procedures for stowing onboard freight containers, barges or other cargo transport units containing cargo under fumigation. It also states that these loaded fumigated cargo units without preliminary ventilation must be considered as a Class 9 hazard under the IMDG Code. Hence, procedures for taking such cargo on board should conform to the requirements as specified in the schedule for CARGO TRANSPORT UNIT UNDER FUMIGATION of the Code.
Masters of vessels stowing these types of containers, barges or other cargo transport units should inform the appropriate authorities of the countries of destination and ports of call that fumigation is being carried out together with all other relevant information of such fumigation.
However, if these fumigated freight containers, barges and others cargo transport units have been adequately ventilated before loading and no concentration of harmful gas remains, they will not be considered as a Class 9 hazard.
Further, no person should fumigate the contents of a freight container, barge or other cargo transport unit once it has been loaded onboard a ship.
Detailed information can be found in paragraph 3.5, Carriage of Fumigated Freight Containers, Barges and Other Cargo Transport Units on a Ship of the Recommendation.
Director of Marine
Marine Department
Government of the HKSAR
Date : 23 December 1998
Action file : PA/S/DG 908/5/9