24-hour hotline : 23 922 922
e-mail address : enquiry@tid.gov.hk
Ref. : CERT 724
9 September 2021
Dear Sirs,
Certificate of Origin Circular No. 3/2021
Commercial Information Circular No. 639/2021
Certificate of Preference Circular No. 3/2021
Russian Federation : Updated List of Developing Economies Eligible for Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) Treatment
Further to Certificate of Origin Circular No. 8/2004 of 23 July 2004, this circular informs traders of the certification arrangements corresponding to the updated list of developing economies eligible for Russian Federation's GSP treatment.
2.According to the updated list of developing economies eligible for the Russian Federation's GSP treatment which will come into effect from 12 October 2021, Hong Kong will no longer be included in the list1.
3.In view of the above development, Trade and Industry Department and Government Approved Certification Organizations2 will only accept applications for Certificate of Origin - Form A (Form A) covering exports destined for the Russian Federation up to 6 October 2021. Moreover, Form A applications covering consignments destined for the Russian Federation and bearing a shipment date on or after 12 October 2021 will not be accepted.
4.For enquiries concerning this circular, please contact the Factory Registration and Origin Certification Branch at 2398 5545 / co_enquiry@tid.gov.hk.
Yours faithfully,
(Nicholas FUNG)
for Director-General of Trade and Industry
1 With effect from 12 October 2021, the list of developing economies eligible for Russian Federation's GSP treatment includes countries and regions which are not assigned by the World Bank to the group of economies with upper-middle and high income.
2 The Government Approved Certification Organizations are the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce; the Federation of Hong Kong Industries; the Indian Chamber of Commerce, Hong Kong; the Chinese Manufacturers' Association of Hong Kong; and the Chinese General Chamber of Commerce.