24-hour hotline : 23 922 922
e-mail address : enquiry@tid.gov.hk
Ref: TID CL CO/200
15 July 2019
Dear Sirs,
Certificate of Origin Circular No. 9/2019
Notice to Exporters :
Series 1 (USA) No. 9/2019
Series 2 (EU) No. 10/2019
Series 3 (Countries other than USA & EU) No. 9/2019
Electronic Service for Certificate of Origin
I. Introduction
This Circular provides the trade with up-to-date information on the electronic service for Certificate of Origin (CO) including Certificate of Hong Kong Origin, Certificate of Processing, Certificate of Hong Kong Origin - CEPA, Certificate of Hong Kong Origin - New Zealand, Certificate of Hong Kong Origin - Georgia and Certificate of Hong Kong Origin - Form AHK.
II. Service Providers
2.Applications for CO have to be lodged in electronic mode through the service providers appointed by the Government, which include Brio Electronic Commerce Limited (Brio), Global e-Trading Services Limited (Ge-TS) and Tradelink Electronic Commerce Limited (Tradelink). Traders who wish to use electronic service for submission of CO applications are advised to register with any of the service providers. Please visit their websites and/or call their hotlines below for more information.
Service Providers |
Brio Electronic Commerce Limited Tel: 2111 1288 Website: http://www.brio.com.hk/en/service3.html |
Global e-Trading Services Limited Tel: 8201 0082 Website: https://www.ge-ts.com.hk/en/eCO |
Tradelink Electronic Commerce Limited Tel: 2599 1700 Website: https://www.tradelink.com.hk/en/index.html |
For traders not registered for using electronic service with any of the above service providers, they can approach the Electronic Trading Access Service (ETAS) centres of individual service providers, which provide paper-to-electronic conversion service with a service charge, to lodge applications for CO.
III. Enquiry
3.For enquires on the content of this Circular, please contact us at 2398 5545 or co_enquiry@tid.gov.hk.
Yours faithfully,
(Ms Joyce HO)
for Director-General of Trade and Industry